
Please enjoy my instagram accounts as I work on building my portfolio page. Thank you! 

Adam Campbell Photography


📸 Creator 🎥 🌎 Explorer ✈️ Part 107 Drone Pilot @appalachiandroneworks
  • Red-bellied woodpecker #Redbelliedwoodpecker #woodpecker #florida #wildlife #birding #birdwatching #sonya9Iii #sonyalpha
  • Frost Line - I woke up yesterday to this wonderful view of the Big Bald Mountain located along the TN/NC border of Unicoi/ Madison County line. The Appalachian Trail traverses the Big Bald Mountain at an altitude of 5,492 feet. 

It’s so neat to see the Rime Ice and snow capping the mountain. While below the line we only had snow on the ground. I love the details you can see in the mountains where the snow creates greater contrast with the ground revealing the ground topography which usually blends in with the trees. #winter #tennessee #easttennessee #unicoicountytn #tennesseestrong #appalachiastrong #photography #snowcapped #snowcappedmountains #landscapephotography #directorofphotography #naturalwonders #rimeice #snow #snowscape #sonyalpha #sonya9iii #sonyphotography #sonypro
  • The blue-footed booby (Sula nebouxii) is a marine bird native to subtropical and tropical regions of the eastern Pacific Ocean. It is one of six species of the genus Sula – known as boobies. It is easily recognizable by its distinctive bright blue feet, which is a sexually selected trait and a product of their diet. Males display their feet in an elaborate mating ritual by lifting them up and down while strutting before the female. #bluefootedbooby #booby #galapagos #galapagosislands #galapagos #birdphotography #naturephotography #ornithology #sonyalpha #sonya9iii #sonypro #sonyusa #wildlifephotography #pacificocean #pacific #ecuador #evolution #conservation #birdconservation #wildlifeconservation
  • Galapagos Penguin - The Galápagos penguin (Spheniscus mendiculus) is a penguin endemic to the Galápagos Islands and Ecuador. It is the only penguin found north of the equator. Most inhabit Fernandina Island and the west coast of Isabela Island. The cool waters of the Humboldt and Cromwell Currents allow it to survive despite the tropical latitude. The Galápagos penguin is one of the banded penguins, the other species of which live mostly on the coasts of Africa and mainland South America. #galapagos #galapagospenguin #penguin #galapagosconservancy #galapagosconservation #evolution #darwin #humboltcurrent #ecuador #celebritycruises #sonyalpha #sonya9iii #sonyprousa #naturephotography #birdphotography #ornithology #wildlifephotography
  • Striated Heron (Galapagos) - I absolutely love the colors and light on this heron. #striatedheron #galapagosislands #galapagos #sony #sonyalpha #sonypro #birdphotography #birding #naturephotography #naturephotographer
  • Galapagos green turtle - The only turtle species to breed and nest in Galapagos, and a frequent sighting on snorkelling and boat trips around the Archipelago. #galapagosgreenturtle #galapagos #galapagosturtle #seaturtle #galapagosislands #evolution #darwin #nature #evolveordie #galapagosconservation
  • Apalachina chilhoweensis (Lewis, 1870) 

Thanks to @sheena.jessee24 for spotting this beautiful snail while hiking! Such a unique and beautiful shell! 

#snail #nature #appalachianmountains #snailshell #wild #wilderness #getoutside #explore #sonyalpha9iii #sonyprousa
  • The Chaos of Nature! - While hiking last weekend, I noticed a leaf with lines left on it by an insect, which reminded me of the chaos and order of nature. All around us, there is a balancing act between chaos and order. Since the beginning of existence, humans have tried to understand, explain, and define these boundaries—whether through religion, science, personal opinions, or other means. Yet, these attempts, in turn, create their own set of chaos and order. To me, nature reveals the simplest way to understand the world around us today!
 #chaos #entropy #evolution #philosophy #understanding #deepthoughts #blackandwhite #snailtrail
  • Eastern Gartersnake - one of the most common snakes found in Tennessee. #EasternGartersnake #gartersnake #tennessee #eattennessee #reptile #slither #sonyphotography #wildlifephotography #sonya9iii
Red-bellied woodpecker #Redbelliedwoodpecker #woodpecker #florida #wildlife #birding #birdwatching #sonya9Iii #sonyalpha
Red-bellied woodpecker #Redbelliedwoodpecker #woodpecker #florida #wildlife #birding #birdwatching #sonya9Iii #sonyalpha
1 week ago
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Frost Line - I woke up yesterday to this wonderful view of the Big Bald Mountain located along the TN/NC border of Unicoi/ Madison County line. The Appalachian Trail traverses the Big Bald Mountain at an altitude of 5,492 feet. 

It’s so neat to see the Rime Ice and snow capping the mountain. While below the line we only had snow on the ground. I love the details you can see in the mountains where the snow creates greater contrast with the ground revealing the ground topography which usually blends in with the trees. #winter #tennessee #easttennessee #unicoicountytn #tennesseestrong #appalachiastrong #photography #snowcapped #snowcappedmountains #landscapephotography #directorofphotography #naturalwonders #rimeice #snow #snowscape #sonyalpha #sonya9iii #sonyphotography #sonypro
Frost Line - I woke up yesterday to this wonderful view of the Big Bald Mountain located along the TN/NC border of Unicoi/ Madison County line. The Appalachian Trail traverses the Big Bald Mountain at an altitude of 5,492 feet. 

It’s so neat to see the Rime Ice and snow capping the mountain. While below the line we only had snow on the ground. I love the details you can see in the mountains where the snow creates greater contrast with the ground revealing the ground topography which usually blends in with the trees. #winter #tennessee #easttennessee #unicoicountytn #tennesseestrong #appalachiastrong #photography #snowcapped #snowcappedmountains #landscapephotography #directorofphotography #naturalwonders #rimeice #snow #snowscape #sonyalpha #sonya9iii #sonyphotography #sonypro
Frost Line - I woke up yesterday to this wonderful view of the Big Bald Mountain located along the TN/NC border of Unicoi/ Madison County line. The Appalachian Trail traverses the Big Bald Mountain at an altitude of 5,492 feet. 

It’s so neat to see the Rime Ice and snow capping the mountain. While below the line we only had snow on the ground. I love the details you can see in the mountains where the snow creates greater contrast with the ground revealing the ground topography which usually blends in with the trees. #winter #tennessee #easttennessee #unicoicountytn #tennesseestrong #appalachiastrong #photography #snowcapped #snowcappedmountains #landscapephotography #directorofphotography #naturalwonders #rimeice #snow #snowscape #sonyalpha #sonya9iii #sonyphotography #sonypro
Frost Line - I woke up yesterday to this wonderful view of the Big Bald Mountain located along the TN/NC border of Unicoi/ Madison County line. The Appalachian Trail traverses the Big Bald Mountain at an altitude of 5,492 feet. 

It’s so neat to see the Rime Ice and snow capping the mountain. While below the line we only had snow on the ground. I love the details you can see in the mountains where the snow creates greater contrast with the ground revealing the ground topography which usually blends in with the trees. #winter #tennessee #easttennessee #unicoicountytn #tennesseestrong #appalachiastrong #photography #snowcapped #snowcappedmountains #landscapephotography #directorofphotography #naturalwonders #rimeice #snow #snowscape #sonyalpha #sonya9iii #sonyphotography #sonypro
Frost Line – I woke up yesterday to this wonderful view of the Big Bald Mountain located along the TN/NC border of Unicoi/ Madison County line. The Appalachian Trail traverses the Big Bald Mountain at an altitude of 5,492 feet. It’s so neat to see the Rime Ice and snow capping the mountain. While below the line we only had snow on the ground. I love the details you can see in the mountains where the snow creates greater contrast with the ground revealing the ground topography which usually blends in with the trees. #winter #tennessee #easttennessee #unicoicountytn #tennesseestrong #appalachiastrong #photography #snowcapped #snowcappedmountains #landscapephotography #directorofphotography #naturalwonders #rimeice #snow #snowscape #sonyalpha #sonya9iii #sonyphotography #sonypro
3 weeks ago
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The blue-footed booby (Sula nebouxii) is a marine bird native to subtropical and tropical regions of the eastern Pacific Ocean. It is one of six species of the genus Sula – known as boobies. It is easily recognizable by its distinctive bright blue feet, which is a sexually selected trait and a product of their diet. Males display their feet in an elaborate mating ritual by lifting them up and down while strutting before the female. #bluefootedbooby #booby #galapagos #galapagosislands #galapagos #birdphotography #naturephotography #ornithology #sonyalpha #sonya9iii #sonypro #sonyusa #wildlifephotography #pacificocean #pacific #ecuador #evolution #conservation #birdconservation #wildlifeconservation
The blue-footed booby (Sula nebouxii) is a marine bird native to subtropical and tropical regions of the eastern Pacific Ocean. It is one of six species of the genus Sula – known as boobies. It is easily recognizable by its distinctive bright blue feet, which is a sexually selected trait and a product of their diet. Males display their feet in an elaborate mating ritual by lifting them up and down while strutting before the female. #bluefootedbooby #booby #galapagos #galapagosislands #galapagos #birdphotography #naturephotography #ornithology #sonyalpha #sonya9iii #sonypro #sonyusa #wildlifephotography #pacificocean #pacific #ecuador #evolution #conservation #birdconservation #wildlifeconservation
The blue-footed booby (Sula nebouxii) is a marine bird native to subtropical and tropical regions of the eastern Pacific Ocean. It is one of six species of the genus Sula – known as boobies. It is easily recognizable by its distinctive bright blue feet, which is a sexually selected trait and a product of their diet. Males display their feet in an elaborate mating ritual by lifting them up and down while strutting before the female. #bluefootedbooby #booby #galapagos #galapagosislands #galapagos #birdphotography #naturephotography #ornithology #sonyalpha #sonya9iii #sonypro #sonyusa #wildlifephotography #pacificocean #pacific #ecuador #evolution #conservation #birdconservation #wildlifeconservation
6 months ago
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Galapagos Penguin - The Galápagos penguin (Spheniscus mendiculus) is a penguin endemic to the Galápagos Islands and Ecuador. It is the only penguin found north of the equator. Most inhabit Fernandina Island and the west coast of Isabela Island. The cool waters of the Humboldt and Cromwell Currents allow it to survive despite the tropical latitude. The Galápagos penguin is one of the banded penguins, the other species of which live mostly on the coasts of Africa and mainland South America. #galapagos #galapagospenguin #penguin #galapagosconservancy #galapagosconservation #evolution #darwin #humboltcurrent #ecuador #celebritycruises #sonyalpha #sonya9iii #sonyprousa #naturephotography #birdphotography #ornithology #wildlifephotography
Galapagos Penguin - The Galápagos penguin (Spheniscus mendiculus) is a penguin endemic to the Galápagos Islands and Ecuador. It is the only penguin found north of the equator. Most inhabit Fernandina Island and the west coast of Isabela Island. The cool waters of the Humboldt and Cromwell Currents allow it to survive despite the tropical latitude. The Galápagos penguin is one of the banded penguins, the other species of which live mostly on the coasts of Africa and mainland South America. #galapagos #galapagospenguin #penguin #galapagosconservancy #galapagosconservation #evolution #darwin #humboltcurrent #ecuador #celebritycruises #sonyalpha #sonya9iii #sonyprousa #naturephotography #birdphotography #ornithology #wildlifephotography
Galapagos Penguin – The Galápagos penguin (Spheniscus mendiculus) is a penguin endemic to the Galápagos Islands and Ecuador. It is the only penguin found north of the equator. Most inhabit Fernandina Island and the west coast of Isabela Island. The cool waters of the Humboldt and Cromwell Currents allow it to survive despite the tropical latitude. The Galápagos penguin is one of the banded penguins, the other species of which live mostly on the coasts of Africa and mainland South America. #galapagos #galapagospenguin #penguin #galapagosconservancy #galapagosconservation #evolution #darwin #humboltcurrent #ecuador #celebritycruises #sonyalpha #sonya9iii #sonyprousa #naturephotography #birdphotography #ornithology #wildlifephotography
6 months ago
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Striated Heron (Galapagos) - I absolutely love the colors and light on this heron. #striatedheron #galapagosislands #galapagos #sony #sonyalpha #sonypro #birdphotography #birding #naturephotography #naturephotographer
Striated Heron (Galapagos) – I absolutely love the colors and light on this heron. #striatedheron #galapagosislands #galapagos #sony #sonyalpha #sonypro #birdphotography #birding #naturephotography #naturephotographer
6 months ago
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Galapagos green turtle - The only turtle species to breed and nest in Galapagos, and a frequent sighting on snorkelling and boat trips around the Archipelago. #galapagosgreenturtle #galapagos #galapagosturtle #seaturtle #galapagosislands #evolution #darwin #nature #evolveordie #galapagosconservation
Galapagos green turtle - The only turtle species to breed and nest in Galapagos, and a frequent sighting on snorkelling and boat trips around the Archipelago. #galapagosgreenturtle #galapagos #galapagosturtle #seaturtle #galapagosislands #evolution #darwin #nature #evolveordie #galapagosconservation
Galapagos green turtle – The only turtle species to breed and nest in Galapagos, and a frequent sighting on snorkelling and boat trips around the Archipelago. #galapagosgreenturtle #galapagos #galapagosturtle #seaturtle #galapagosislands #evolution #darwin #nature #evolveordie #galapagosconservation
6 months ago
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Apalachina chilhoweensis (Lewis, 1870) 

Thanks to @sheena.jessee24 for spotting this beautiful snail while hiking! Such a unique and beautiful shell! 

#snail #nature #appalachianmountains #snailshell #wild #wilderness #getoutside #explore #sonyalpha9iii #sonyprousa
Apalachina chilhoweensis (Lewis, 1870) Thanks to @sheena.jessee24 for spotting this beautiful snail while hiking! Such a unique and beautiful shell! #snail #nature #appalachianmountains #snailshell #wild #wilderness #getoutside #explore #sonyalpha9iii #sonyprousa
6 months ago
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The Chaos of Nature! - While hiking last weekend, I noticed a leaf with lines left on it by an insect, which reminded me of the chaos and order of nature. All around us, there is a balancing act between chaos and order. Since the beginning of existence, humans have tried to understand, explain, and define these boundaries—whether through religion, science, personal opinions, or other means. Yet, these attempts, in turn, create their own set of chaos and order. To me, nature reveals the simplest way to understand the world around us today!
 #chaos #entropy #evolution #philosophy #understanding #deepthoughts #blackandwhite #snailtrail
The Chaos of Nature! – While hiking last weekend, I noticed a leaf with lines left on it by an insect, which reminded me of the chaos and order of nature. All around us, there is a balancing act between chaos and order. Since the beginning of existence, humans have tried to understand, explain, and define these boundaries—whether through religion, science, personal opinions, or other means. Yet, these attempts, in turn, create their own set of chaos and order. To me, nature reveals the simplest way to understand the world around us today! #chaos #entropy #evolution #philosophy #understanding #deepthoughts #blackandwhite #snailtrail
7 months ago
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Eastern Gartersnake - one of the most common snakes found in Tennessee. #EasternGartersnake #gartersnake #tennessee #eattennessee #reptile #slither #sonyphotography #wildlifephotography #sonya9iii
Eastern Gartersnake - one of the most common snakes found in Tennessee. #EasternGartersnake #gartersnake #tennessee #eattennessee #reptile #slither #sonyphotography #wildlifephotography #sonya9iii
Eastern Gartersnake – one of the most common snakes found in Tennessee. #EasternGartersnake #gartersnake #tennessee #eattennessee #reptile #slither #sonyphotography #wildlifephotography #sonya9iii
8 months ago
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Appalachian Drone Works


Appalachian Drone Works is an aerial Video and Photography company serving East Tennessee and beyond. FAA licensed drone pilot. @adamcphotography
  • Video and Photography from the Air and Land! Appalachian Drone Works is here to help you create the images you need to tell your brands story. 

Visit online or call 423-220-0230

#videoproduction #tennessee #videographer #dronevideo #dronephotography #corporatephotography #corporatevideo #dırectorofphotography #tennessee #videodaily #contentcreator #sonyprousa
  • Appalachian Drone Works is built on creativity and passion. We are results-oriented and client-focused. We offer a wide range of video production services includes client testimonials, social media content, TV commercials, corporate event coverage, and much more. Give us a call today at (423) 220-0230 or visit us online at AppalachianDroneWorks.com #videoproduction #contentcreator #videographer #directorofphotography #dronepilot #dronevideo #tennessee #easttennessee #creativedirector #creative #appalachianmountains
  • Fog was so beautiful covering the valley floor in Unicoi County, TN last weekend. I created this image using the very versatile @djiglobal mini 3pro. When I don’t want to fly my larger drone this is my go to! #drone #dji #djimini3pro #dronelandscape #fog #temperatureinversion #clouds #bluesky #tennessee #easttennessee #unicoicountytn #flagpondtn
  • Fog in the Valley - Beautiful early morning fog settled into Unicoi County stretching from Flag Pond TN as far North to Erwin TN and beyond! Fall color is quickly fading but I really enjoyed flying this morning and creating this unique view of our region with a nice temperature inversion and fall foliage! #fog #video #temperatureinversion #weather #valley #foggymorning #foggyvalley #foggymountain #smokeonthemountain #fall #foliage #dronevideography #dronevideo #dronepilot #djimini3pro #tennessee #easttennessee #unicoicounty #erwintn #appalachianmountains #appalachia #nature #meteorology
  • The Snake - HWY 421 - Fall is in full bloom in our region right now! HWY 421 “The Snake” is a great drive this time of year to enjoy the sights and sounds of the Appalachian Mountains! I hope you enjoy Fall this year! #fall #421 #hwy421 #thesnake #foliage #tennessee #easttennessee #appalachianmountains #motorcycle #moto #corvette #sonya9iii #dronevideo #dronevideography #visitjohnsoncitytn #visittennessee #ridetennessee #videoproduction #tourisim #leafpeeping
  • Rise above the Competition! - I want to help your company create inspiring content to help your brand Rise above the Competition! #riseabovethecompetition #rise #branding #marketing #contentcreator #contentcreation #videoproduction #video #dp #filmmaker #videoproducer #production #productioncompany #socialmediamarketing #viralvideos #fall #foliage #tennessee #easttennessee #johnsoncitytn #neverbackdown @adamcphotography
  • Fall is such an amazingly colorful time of year here in East Tennessee! #tennessee #fall #colorful #foliage #sonya9iii #sonyprousa #naturephotography #landscapephotography #beautyspot #unakamountains #appalachianmountains #neverbackdown #change #blueridgemountains #evolution #riseabovethecompetition
  • Rise above the Competition! - I want to help your company create inspiring content to help your brand Rise above the Competition! #riseabovethecompetition #rise #branding #marketing #contentcreator #contentcreation #videoproduction #video #dp #filmmaker #videoproducer #production #productioncompany #socialmediamarketing #viralvideos #fall #foliage #tennessee #easttennessee #johnsoncitytn #neverbackdown
  • Welcome to Fall 2024!

 #fall2024 #fall #dronevideo #fallvideo #dronelife #dronedaily #foliage #colorful #fallvideography #videoproduction #videoproducer #fallfoliage #stockfootage
Video and Photography from the Air and Land! Appalachian Drone Works is here to help you create the images you need to tell your brands story. Visit online or call 423-220-0230 appalachiandroneworks.com #videoproduction #tennessee #videographer #dronevideo #dronephotography #corporatephotography #corporatevideo #dırectorofphotography #tennessee #videodaily #contentcreator #sonyprousa
2 days ago
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Appalachian Drone Works is built on creativity and passion. We are results-oriented and client-focused. We offer a wide range of video production services includes client testimonials, social media content, TV commercials, corporate event coverage, and much more. Give us a call today at (423) 220-0230 or visit us online at AppalachianDroneWorks.com #videoproduction #contentcreator #videographer #directorofphotography #dronepilot #dronevideo #tennessee #easttennessee #creativedirector #creative #appalachianmountains
4 weeks ago
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Fog was so beautiful covering the valley floor in Unicoi County, TN last weekend. I created this image using the very versatile @djiglobal mini 3pro. When I don’t want to fly my larger drone this is my go to! #drone #dji #djimini3pro #dronelandscape #fog #temperatureinversion #clouds #bluesky #tennessee #easttennessee #unicoicountytn #flagpondtn
4 months ago
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Fog in the Valley – Beautiful early morning fog settled into Unicoi County stretching from Flag Pond TN as far North to Erwin TN and beyond! Fall color is quickly fading but I really enjoyed flying this morning and creating this unique view of our region with a nice temperature inversion and fall foliage! #fog #video #temperatureinversion #weather #valley #foggymorning #foggyvalley #foggymountain #smokeonthemountain #fall #foliage #dronevideography #dronevideo #dronepilot #djimini3pro #tennessee #easttennessee #unicoicounty #erwintn #appalachianmountains #appalachia #nature #meteorology
4 months ago
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The Snake – HWY 421 – Fall is in full bloom in our region right now! HWY 421 “The Snake” is a great drive this time of year to enjoy the sights and sounds of the Appalachian Mountains! I hope you enjoy Fall this year! #fall #421 #hwy421 #thesnake #foliage #tennessee #easttennessee #appalachianmountains #motorcycle #moto #corvette #sonya9iii #dronevideo #dronevideography #visitjohnsoncitytn #visittennessee #ridetennessee #videoproduction #tourisim #leafpeeping
4 months ago
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Rise above the Competition! – I want to help your company create inspiring content to help your brand Rise above the Competition! #riseabovethecompetition #rise #branding #marketing #contentcreator #contentcreation #videoproduction #video #dp #filmmaker #videoproducer #production #productioncompany #socialmediamarketing #viralvideos #fall #foliage #tennessee #easttennessee #johnsoncitytn #neverbackdown @adamcphotography
5 months ago
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Fall is such an amazingly colorful time of year here in East Tennessee! #tennessee #fall #colorful #foliage #sonya9iii #sonyprousa #naturephotography #landscapephotography #beautyspot #unakamountains #appalachianmountains #neverbackdown #change #blueridgemountains #evolution #riseabovethecompetition
Fall is such an amazingly colorful time of year here in East Tennessee! #tennessee #fall #colorful #foliage #sonya9iii #sonyprousa #naturephotography #landscapephotography #beautyspot #unakamountains #appalachianmountains #neverbackdown #change #blueridgemountains #evolution #riseabovethecompetition
6 months ago
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Rise above the Competition! – I want to help your company create inspiring content to help your brand Rise above the Competition! #riseabovethecompetition #rise #branding #marketing #contentcreator #contentcreation #videoproduction #video #dp #filmmaker #videoproducer #production #productioncompany #socialmediamarketing #viralvideos #fall #foliage #tennessee #easttennessee #johnsoncitytn #neverbackdown
6 months ago
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Welcome to Fall 2024! #fall2024 #fall #dronevideo #fallvideo #dronelife #dronedaily #foliage #colorful #fallvideography #videoproduction #videoproducer #fallfoliage #stockfootage
6 months ago
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